The Beach Flats Community Garden has nourished the residents of the beach flats and the greater Santa Cruz area for over 20 years. Built by the hands of community leaders for the benefit of the young and old; the garden is a symbol of everything that is great about Santa Cruz. A source of healthy food and community pride El Jardín de la Comunidad de la playa is an oasis of fresh air and living soil in a dessert of concrete, noise pollution, and traffic jams. The garden is on a course for closure this November. We urge the City of Santa Cruz to work together with the Seaside Company Property Landlord to find a way to renew the lease.
Santa Cruz Community Health Centers have been active in our efforts to help save the Beach Flats Community Garden. We believe that the Beach Flats Community Garden is a vital community resource. Loss, fragmentation or relocation of the garden would irreparably damage this thriving and unique space of food production and community engagement. It will take the entire community to save the garden and tell our city leaders and businesses that the people of Santa Cruz will not stand for the removal of the garden. #SavetheJardin