
Patient Portal

Patient Portal

  • Request and keep track of your appointments
  • View and access and view lab results, current medications, and Visit Summaries.
  • Have around the clock access to your health records.
  • Receive customized educational materials from your medical provider.
  • Send and receive messages to your doctor and care team.
  • Be sent appointment reminders and health notifications.
  • Have access to your Referral Information.

During your next appointment, you will be offered a chance to sign up when checking in. You will to sign a consent form, and an email will be sent to you with Log-In information for your portal account.

It can take around 3 business days after blood has been collected for the results to be sent to your medical provider. Once they receive the results, the labs will be published online when the provider has signed off on the labs.

Radiology reports do not load to the portal. Rather your PCP will document their own results which you will be able to access.

The minimum amount of time to request an appointment is 3 days, but does not guarantee an appointment. As schedules allow, we will do our best to provide an appointment in a reasonable amount of time. For all urgent requests, it is best to call the office at (831) 427-3500.

Appointments cannot be scheduled more than 3 months ahead of time.

If there are no times available during your appointment preferences, a representative will contact you and let you know when you can next be seen by your provider, or by another provider who might be available for an earlier appointment.

Currently we are not refilling prescriptions from the patient portal. Please contact your pharmacy to request medication refills.

Make sure that you have previously logged into your Patient Portal account.

If you have never logged into your Patient Portal account, it is necessary to log in to your Patient Portal account before you can to log into your healow App.

On the Welcome to healow screen, search by your Clinic location by clicking in the white field next to the magnifying glass and typing the practice name (Santa Cruz Women’s Health Center or East Cliff Family Health Center).

Next, you will be prompted to enter a PIN.Select a 4-digit PIN, which will be used going forward to log in. After this initial login, the only step in logging in will be entering your PIN:

From the patient portal login screen, click on “Trouble logging in” below the login box to recover your password. You also can go directly to the Trouble loggin in webpage here:

Some appointments, such as confidential appointments like Behavioral Health and Psychiatry, are not loaded to the patient portal.

Learn More about the Patient Portal and our Smart Phone Application  Healow:

Santa Cruz Community Health is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $1,930,819, with 91% financed with nonfederal government sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit
This health center is a health center program grantee under 42 U.S.C. 254b, and a deemed public health service employee under 42 U.S.C. 233(g)-(q). Its employees and qualified contractors are deemed to be public health service employees under 42 U.S.C. 233(g)-(q). The legal liability of the health center and staff is limited pursuant to the public health service act.